My blog is becoming less and less about education and I have been thinking about starting an alternate blog site. I often wonder about the value of my posts of the past, but they remain as archives for the time being. Visits to my blog are few now, which makes sense given I seldom post now. When I do post, I don’t always share further to social media. There has been some comfort with that — my blog is just my blog, a space of my own, but with an open door. I doubt a podcast would ever suit my needs.

But this was about one post…

From time to time, I check my blog stats and clear out spam comments. There is one post that consistently gets “hits” over the months, and now years, according to my stats. It isn’t a post that gets repeated spam comments either. I don’t have details on where the visits to the post originate, just the “via links to my blog site” information. The post isn’t about parent engagement or EQAO standardized testing, or even music 🙂 It is this one:

Appointed vs. Elected School Boards

I wrote it in 2015.

I did a quick follow up about the Chicago school board that I discussed as an example. A short internet search informed me that the board is still an appointed one, but a new mayor has promised to take action to bring back an elected board.

I will go with the assumption that the debate about the value of “appointed vs. elected” board members comes up a lot and the title of the post gets prompted when searching online for the answer. I suppose it might also be linked somewhere as a resource on the topic. But it is one blog post the lives on, for whatever reason.