I posted to my blog (here) soon after my favourite singer, Melanie, died. I am slowly adjusting to enjoyment of her music, but with her gone. There were many plans in the works for new releases prior to her death and that didn’t stop. Her manager updates the fans on Facebook regularly about that. There are many new collections available in various formats.

Older collections of songs and concerts continue to be shared by fans. Sadly, I never got to see Melanie perform live, but I recently enjoyed a collection of live concert recordings via YouTube that I hadn’t heard before. I have never been able to name my top favourite Melanie song when asked — how can there only be one? I could easily name my top five though. But since listening to this live concert from 1973, there is one song that stood out for me and it has been on a frequent repeat loop. It just may be my top favourite! I am not certain what her message was in the lyrics, but I have taken to it. The five minute song has many vocal and guitar strumming variations and the lyrics seem to represent some deep soul searching and a reflection on preserving oneself. It reminded me of when I have to work through difficult times in order to find “me” again.

Here it is! A great live recording of It’s Me Again:

I hope others might find it meaningful as well.